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Additional Conditions for Customs Broker Licence Holders

The Australian Border Force (ABF) has released new obligations for Customs Broker Licence Holders to strengthen fit and proper requirements. ABF Notice No. 2024/21 now includes a definition of those persons ‘participating in the operations of a customs broker’ and expands the scope of those who require 'Fit and Proper Checks'.

New Obligations for Customs Depot and Warehouse Licence Holders

In early 2022 the Australian Border Force (ABF) announced reforms that seek to minimise the risk of persons not deemed fit and proper by the Comptroller-General of Customs from participating in the operations of a licensed depot or warehouse. These reforms play a part in supporting broader initiatives by government to bolster the risk management, preparedness, prevention and resilience of critical infrastructure assets across the country.

The ABF advised the additional obligations introduced strengthen controls in the supply chain, expand the fit and proper regime, and align compliance controls for licence holders. Examples of licence holders include duty free shops, provedores, catering bonds, and off-airport cargo terminal operators.

For persons directly or indirectly operating within these types of facilities, the facility license holder must ensure they obtain a WADSIC. A WADSIC provides evidence that a person operating in a licensed facility is deemed fit and proper and considers factors set by the Comptroller-General including:

  • Firstly, has the person committed an offence(s) in Australia or in another country
  • Secondly, has an issuing authority refused to issue the person a transport security identification card (e.g. an Aviation or Maritime Security Identification Card) or has had an ASIC or MSIC suspended or cancelled.
  • Thirdly, is the person an unlawful non-citizen of Australia.

Veritas can assist customs depots and warehouse license holders meet their WADSIC obligations.

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Veritas’ WADSIC Solution

Veritas offers a comprehensive solution for customs depots and warehouse license holders to meet their WADSIC compliance obligations. By using a dedicated WADSIC portal, authorised representatives can effectively manage their personnel as prescribed in both ACN 2022/46 and ACN 2024/21.

Most importantly, with Veritas, license holders can reduce their cyber security risks associated with directly collecting, handling, transmitting and storing personal information, identity documents and B1555 forms associated with WADSIC applications. Veritas’ system becomes the repository for this personal data and enables license holders to gain access within the mandated reporting periods to support ABF requests and audits.

Are You a Warehouse or Depot Worker?

The ABF has now implemented its program that requires people involved in the operations of a warehouse or a depot to hold a WADSIC. A copy of the Australian Customs Depot Notice No. 2022/46 can be found on the ABF website. This document provides information detailing the responsibilities that licence holders have with respect to the management of these security risk reduction measures.

Who Needs a WADSIC

Persons who participate (directly or indirectly) in the operations of a licensed depot/warehouse must obtain a WADSIC.

What is a WADSIC

A WADSIC provides evidence that a person is “fit and proper” and includes a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check and Right to Work Check.

Register for WADSIC

Veritas is an ACIC authorised issuer of Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks and can streamline the WADSIC application and issuance processes for license holders.

Why Veritas?

Veritas is a national leader in the provision of background checking services in Australia and is accredited by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) to deliver Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks. Since 2005, Veritas has developed identity verification services and systems for organisations and individuals across a range of industries including aviation, maritime, offshore, transport and logistics, rail, infrastructure, and more.

In addition to delivering Regulatory compliant solutions, Veritas maintains ISO 9001:2015 and ISO27001:2013 accreditations to ensure our operations meet the highest standards for efficiency and information security.

If you require more information on Veritas or our industry solutions, please visit our website.

Have a question? We can help you. Check out our FAQ or contact our customer care team on 1300 VERITAS (1300 837 482).

Enquire Now

If you would like to work with Veritas as a supplier of WADSICs for your company,
please enter your details below and we will be in touch.

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How many WADSICs do you require annually (approximately)?

Do you have a current requirement for ASIC/MSIC?

If yes, what issuing body do you use?

Would you require WADSIC to be printed on your behalf and delivered?